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Questions about AB705?

Reach Your Goal Faster

All students can now enroll in transfer level English and Math. Butte College has eliminated placement tests and increased Math and English academic support. This change means that students will reach their goal faster.

AB 705 is a law that requires California community colleges to maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and Math within a one year timeframe.

Colleges must place students into English and Math courses using one or more of the following:

  • High School Coursework
  • High School Grades
  • High School Grade Point Average. 

Under the new law, you cannot be denied entry into a transfer level Math and English class unless the college can prove that you are highly unlikely to succeed.

We made these changes because we’ve realized that our classes were unintentionally holding our students back. Too many students were getting stuck taking too many classes, and often they either ended up spending more time and money getting through classes at Butte or they’d get discouraged and drop out.

That’s not fair to you. You’re ready for college-level courses, and we’re ready to help you pass these classes. Whether your educational goals include higher levels of Mathematics or English or not, we want to make sure you’re moving quickly through your required classes at Butte so you can transfer or finish a program here. We know you can do it, and we’re changing the way we place students to make it easier for you.

Many students are placed into math and English based solely on the results of their placement test. With the new law, students are no longer burdened to prove they belong in transfer-level courses. Instead, colleges must place students into transfer-level courses unless they can prove students are highly unlikely to succeed.

At Butte College, this means that our academic departments have made some major changes to the courses we offer. We’re also expanding the tutoring and support services available in the Center for Academic Success and imbedded in classes so that everyone can get the help they need.


Starting in Fall 2019, all students will be eligible for a transfer level Math course.  The math department will offer preparatory classes if students want to access them.  However, those courses will be required only for students in a BSTEM (Business Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) major depending on your academic background.  Additional supports will be available in the form of tutoring and additional lab hours, all in a central location for students who need them.


Starting in Fall 2019, all students will enroll in college-level English. You will have two choices: English 2, a traditional freshman composition course, and English 3, which will meet for two additional hours each week to provide support for students. Courses that are below college-level English will no longer be offered except through the Adult Education program.

You will need to take our Career and Academic Profile Tool to find out which math and English classes are right for you. It’s required before you can register for classes, but it’s a one-time process and should take only about five to ten minutes.

The Career and Academic Profile tool can be completed online by going to or by walking into the Career and Academic Assessment Center (formerly known as the Assessment Office).  We recommend that you take the Vita Navis career assessment first, so you have a better understanding of your preferred Program of Study and Educational Goal.

No, you will not need to take a test. You will complete the Career and Academic Profile tool instead.  You will have access to transfer-level courses in English and Math. You will receive recommendations on the level of support that you will need to succeed in the transfer-level courses. These recommendations are based on your high school or college coursework, grades, and GPA or by answering a few supplemental questions.

Contact Us

Career and Academic Assessment Center

SAS First Floor - Room 110
3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville, CA 95965


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